Sunday, February 1, 2009

3D Super Bowl Commercials

I read in Time Magazine about the Super Bowl and its commercials. Every year in the Super Bowl companies come up with some of their best and funniest commercials of the year. This years big breakthrough in Super Bowl commercials was the 3D look. All week long all I heard about the Super Bowl commercials was the big deal about 3D. I decided to buy some 3D glasses to see if it was worth all of the hype. There were a few movie previews for 3D movies which were cartoons, I can't lie, they made me think I wanted to watch these movies. There was also a T.V. show that was going to have a 3D episode, I have never watched this show but just because of it being in 3D, I once again wanted to see what it was like. 3D might just come back and be the next big thing in movies and T.V. shows.